Welcome Spring, plant seeds and enjoy a day of expansion, intuitive exercises, play and sisterhood in a private home in an the Serra Retreat neighborhood in Malibu

Sunday, March 24, 10 a.m.-4 p.m.

Lunch, snacks and tea included


~Heart and mind expansion

~Release your old and compose a new story

~Vision and plant seeds for the year

~Amplify your intuition

~Personalize daily practice

~Receive psychic messages

~Goddess Magick

~Feel support of sisterhood

More details and address included upon registration
$222 for the day

Afterpay available

click Here to Register

Learn more about Maggie Winokur

jessica grant

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amanda wilson

"Salvia jianbing iPhone man bun, squid la croix asymmetrical tacos. Chicharrones salvia cred iPhone. Letterpress migas yuccie, street art skateboard tofu stumptown food truck fashion axe shoreditch lomo. Locavore tote bag pabst stumptown, deep v you probably haven't heard of them biodiesel heirloom fingerstache umami."

you'll hear from me shortly.

thank you!

let's chat and see how I can best support you.